Work Diary

The Work Diary offers a convenient way for you to document daily tasks, track time, and submit hours worked on a task. It’s mainly used for agile talent jobs (e.g., instructional design).

Once you’ve completed your assigned task, you can submit your logged hours to the client for approval. You can access the Work Diary page by clicking on an In Progress job and selecting the Work Diary tab.

The default week view lists and groups tasks within a week by the selected date range. If you prefer to see all tasks, uncheck “Show tasks within the week” option to view all assigned tasks. You may also want to check the “Include Closed Tasks” option to view closed tasks in the listing.


To Submit Hours:

  • Click the arrows before or after the date range to change the weekly calendar to the desired week of your task(s)
  • To add hours for a task, click the plus sign icon to open a pop-up modal and enter your time and notes for the selected date
  • Click save and your enter will appear for the day
  • Click the blue pencil icon to edit your entry if needed
  • Another way to edit your entry or log time is to click the task name and go to the Work Diary tab

  • To submit all your hours for the week, click the Submit Hours button and the status will change to Submitted
  • Once hours are submitted, you will have to notify TTA team if changes are needed.
  • Once approved, you’ll be notified, and the task status will change to Approved
  • If the work diary is rejected by the client, the Rejected status and message will be displayed
  • Modify your work diary entry and click Resubmit Hours to submit the updated time

The list view is another option to view your assigned tasks. Use the keyword search or calendar to refine your search. The Advanced Search option gives you the ability to sort by status (All, Submitted, Pending Submission, Approved, and Rejected). Select the “Group time by task” to group time logged by a task.

  • To submit hours, click the Log time option and enter the hours and notes for that day