
The Documents section of a hired job is where you can manage and add important job files in one place. The documents can be anything from general documents, like corporate policies, to job specific files. All team members assigned to the job can view and upload documents.

On the Documents page, you can:

  • View job files by document name, owner, date, and category type
  • Upload files and easily share with team members, talent, and TTA
  • Edit documents that you’ve uploaded, including document name and category
  • Download documents for the job
  • Delete documents that were created by you

To upload a document, click the Upload File button.

  • Drag the file from your computer, or click into the blue upload documents section of the form and select your file.
  • Select a category type from the dropdown menu.
  • You may enter an optional description for the file, or add or remove additional documents here as well.
  • When you’re ready, click to Upload.

To edit a file, click ellipses […] in the Actions column and select Edit. Make any changes to the Document Name, Category, or Description and click Save.

You may also choose to link to a cloud file, such as a Google document or sheet. Click to Upload File and select to Add Cloud Document.

From the Add Cloud File pop up:

  • Add a File Name and File URL.
  • Select a category type from the dropdown menu.
  • You may enter an optional description for the file, or add or remove additional links here as well.
  • When you’re ready, click to Add.

Other features for job documents include:

  • The Download option from the Actions column will save the file to your device.
  • The Delete option from the Actions column will remove the file from the job documents (only on documents you’ve personally uploaded).
  • The Share option from the Actions column will allow you to share the file with selected other users associated with the project.
  • Find a document by using the filter and search options, such as document name, job name, dates, and category type.
  • See our article on more documents features here.

Tip: Any company contact who has Administrator access can view and post all documents. A company contact who has Standard User access can only view and post files for the specific job they are assigned.