Accept or Reject a Candidate

To view all proposals for your job(s), navigate to the Job Center, and the Open tab. If you have any candidate submissions, the indicator should be green for Candidate Submissions. You may also filter for jobs with submissions under the Advanced Search.


Accept a Candidate

After receiving candidate submissions, you can begin the selection process. Whether you prefer to set up an interview with the contractor or hire them after reviewing their profile, the choice is completely up to you!

When you find talent to hire for your job, click the Accept button next to their name or Accept Proposal from the ellipses menu […] to begin the hiring process with TTA. The candidate will move to the accepted status and your TTA rep will begin coordinating the contract and contact you to discuss next steps.

image of accept candidate screen

From this page, you can:

  • Click the talent’s name or View from the ellipses to view the talent’s proposal and profile
  • Click Reject Proposal to change the status and notify the TTA team (the candidate will move to the Not Selected page)
  • Click Add to Favorite to add talent to your favorite talent list
  • Click Remove from Favorite to remove talent from your favorite talent list

image of Accepted status

Reject a Candidate

If talent does not meet your requirements or you do not think they will be a good fit for the role, you can reject the proposed candidate for your job. To reject a candidate, click on the ellipses menu […] and select Reject Proposal. Complete the short form to let us know why you’ve decided not to move forward with this candidate. Provide the reason and include any additional comments so that we at TTA can notify the talent, and better support you in the future.

The candidate will then move to the Not Selected status on the job. The candidates you do not hire will be saved here for future reference.

Tip: If you want to remember any candidates for another opportunity, select Add to Favorites and the talent will be saved on the Talent page for future reference.