My Account Information

Your contact information, email, password, and work preference can be updated at any time from the Account Settings page located under your name in the upper right-hand corner of the portal.

Account Settings - My Information

Update your information:

  • Photo: Click on the blue pencil icon to attach a photo or use the trash can icon to remove it
  • Email: Click on the Change Email button and add in your new email information
  • Password: Click on the Change Password button and select a new password for the account
  • Contact Information: Modify any of the existing contact fields, including name, address, and work preference, and hit Save when you are finished
  • Note: If making edits to your legal name, you will be required to resign and resubmit any legal documentation

Deactivate your TTA Connect account:

We do not want to see you go! If there is anything that we can do better to support you or if you have any feedback, please let us know.

To close your TTA Connect account and stop receiving email communications from TTA, send an email to our recruiting team, and we’ll deactivate your account and login credentials.