Work Experience

The work history section provides a summary of the related work experience you’ve accomplished as an independent contractor or employee. Provide as many work entries as necessary to highlight your great experience! Your work experience will appear in chronological order, beginning with the most recent entry.

To add or update Work Experience:

work experience

  • Enter Job Title
  • Select Employment Type (Contractor, Employee, Other)
  • Note: If Other is selected, include a brief description of the employment (100 characters maximum)
  • Enter Company Information and length of time worked there
  • Include a brief description of the work performed (1000 characters maximum)
  • Click Add to save to profile
  • Repeat the process to add additional work experience

work experience

  • Use the blue pencil edit icon to make any changes and the delete icon to remove it completely from the profile

industry and work

To add or update Industry Experience:

  • Go to Work Experience
  • Click the icon Add Industry Experience
  • Select applicable industries from listing provided or using the search menu, enter an industry name to display relevant results
  • Click on the industries that match your experience or if an industry name does not appear, click Add this Industry
  • Click Save to save the selected industries to profile

industry experience

  • Use the blue pencil edit icon, to make any changes and the delete icon to remove it completely from the profile


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