What’s New for TTA Connect

Release Updates for Talent

We appreciate all the real-time feedback on TTA Connect!

Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments through the portal and share it with our recruiting and operations teams. We’re making changes based on this feedback to make sure everything is working seamlessly for you.

We’ve made the following updates to TTA Connect:

December 13, 2023 – Release Update:

  • Document Management: Improved functionality and design, including the ability to share document links, the option to share job files with select project members, a new file description field, and enhanced search and viewing options
  • New “Trainer” Roles: Talent can now select from either a “Technical Trainer” and/or “Soft Skills Facilitator” role to clarify their technical or soft skills expertise
  • Talent Invoicing Section on a Task: Improved invoice submission flow, including adding in a Work Diary section (if applicable) and overall enhanced UI design to make it easier to view and submit invoices
  • Access to Job Center: Talent will only be able to view the Job Center and bid on opportunities if they maintain at least a “Good” profile status

Our team completed 13 other minor enhancements to make your TTA Connect experience better too!

October 11, 2023 – Release Update:

  • Task Details: Offer the option to download the job/task details summary
  • Invoices: TTA paid line items are now shown as line items outside of the final total amount for better clarification
  • Testimonials: Provide a dashboard notification when a new testimonial is received from a client

September 20, 2023 – Release Update:

  • Proposal Form: Updated the form to allow for more details from actual job posting to be shown on screen to make it easy to reference and submit a quote
  • Project Chat: A new chat platform is accessible within jobs, enabling you to collaborate with fellow team members, including clients and the TTA team
  • Work Diary: Talent can now keep track of hours worked for their tasks and submit their time to the client for approval
  • Document Management: You can now view and share documents with team members on a job
  • Profile Status: A course outline is now included as a portfolio item for the “Best” profile status criteria
  • Talent Badges: Talent who have successfully undertaken TTA projects, completed our talent qualification process, and demonstrated their expertise in learning and development, can qualify to receive a TTA Certified, Qualified, or Verified badge on their TTA Connect talent profile
  • New Help Center: The Help Center has improved navigation and advanced search tools to make finding information easy

Our team resolved 24 other minor issues to make your TTA Connect experience better too!

May 8, 2023 – Release Update:

  • My Profile 
    • Roles and Skills: Provided a new “Copy Skills from a Previous Role” option to let you copy skills from another role to make it easier to add and update skills
    • Resume Management: Added a resume option on the Profile Builder and My Profile pages for you to upload, replace, download, or delete a resume
    • My Information: Included the option for “Communication Preference” to let you to share with us know your preferred communication preference for job opportunities
    • Edit Option: Replaced all edit icons with ellipses drop-down menu that includes both edit and delete options so you get a consistent standard for updating information on your profile
    • Profile Status: Improved profile status display to make it easier to see your current profile status
  • Dashboard 
    • Upcoming Tasks: Updated the Upcoming Tasks section of the Dashboard to include a link to the Task Name to make it easier to read and view additional details
  • My Task
    • Task View: Added the client name to the list view to make reviewing tasks easier

Our team resolved 22 other minor issues to make your TTA Connect experience better too!

March 27, 2023 – Release Update: 

  • My Profile (Edit Tool)
    • Enhanced My Profile edit tools allow for updating profile details directly on the My Profile page instead of navigating to individual profile builder pages—to allow for easy updating
  • Portfolio (Add Tool) 
    • Combined all portfolio types (file, videos, link) into one single form to make it quick and easy to add work to your profile
  • My Tasks Section
    • Added a new main navigation section called My Tasks to group all Job Tasks into one view to allow you to easily search and filter tasks, cross reference your work, and look at any actions required in one place
  • Resume Upload
    • Added the option for you to upload a resume from the Dashboard to provide additional details to the recruiting team for job placement
  • W-9 & W-8 Auto Fill
    • Autocomplete the W9 & W8 with personal and/or company information that you’ve provided on the My Information and Company Information pages. Depending on the situation, you can select to fill out a W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E.
  • Early Payment and Travel Pre-Payment Options
    • Added an optional new form to the dashboard and legal documents section for your review and signature. This language was originally only included in separate Work Orders sent by email.
  • View Signed Work Order
    • You can now view historical signed Work Orders on the Job Details tab

January 23, 2023 – Release Update: 

  • TTA Connect Legacy Site Retired
    • The older version of TTA Connect has been decommissioned and users are now all on the newest version—designed with the features to support all your independent contractor activities

November 4, 2022 – Release Update: 

  • Job Alerts / Required Actions
    • Updated logic to better prioritize jobs with urgent actions
    • Added new filters to job schedule view to allow listings of all tasks on a job by the action required (Confirm Order, Invoice, or upload Evaluations)
    • Added new buttons on job schedule view to jump directly to relevant task tab for required actions
    • The number and type of specific actions required are now visible in the Job Center when viewing jobs in progress
  • Invoicing
    • New Invoicing tab on tasks that provides one place to set payment terms, review bill statuses, and upload any required supporting documents
    • New dialog box that explains effects of payment terms when a different payment term period is selected
  • Profile Status
    • New visual for progress bar that more clearly indicates the number of steps remaining to the next profile tier
    • Now lists only the items needed to progress to the next tier below the status bar
  • Account Settings
    • New page to allow customization of which TTA emails you want to receive
    • New page to allow entering of reference details for recruiters to contact for qualification

September 16, 2022 – Release Update:

  • Dashboard Alert
    • You’ll receive alerts on your dashboard for any jobs that require your attention
  • Payment Terms
    • You can select a  payment term for a task (when the job permits) directly from the task view window
  • Job Details
    • You’ll receive an Order Acceptance Alert on the job details page that shows any order confirmations that need to be accepted to move forward with the task

September 6, 2022 – Release Update:

  • In Progress Jobs
    • To make it easier to select a task, the task end date now appears on the drop-down menu for tasks when uploading supporting documents
    • After uploading supporting financial documents for a job, you’ll remain on the Job Details page instead of being redirected to the documents tab
    • A detailed task status now appears on the job schedule, calendar, and task details view
  • Other
    • Calendar functionality improved on mobile view

August 29, 2022 – Release Update

  • In Progress Jobs
    • The name of the client is now listed on each job so you can easily reference it
    • Previously completed jobs are now shown on the Closed page instead of In Progress page
  • Schedule
    • The upcoming schedule for a job no longer displays old tasks
    • A Task ID column was added to the upcoming schedule to provide additional information
  • Documents
    • The Task ID was added to the dropdown menu when uploading supporting financial documents
    • You are now able to successfully upload the required supporting financial documents to satisfy the job details page notification
  • Closed Jobs
    • Your proposal details are now available on closed jobs
  • Other
    • The EIN/Tax ID for the Company Information section of your profile is now properly allowing you to enter this information
    • Mobile styling has been updated to better accommodate dark mode

September 21, 2021 – Release Announcement

You’ll see big improvements on TTA Connect—designed to make it easier for you to update, highlight, and share your L&D expertise with our recruiters and clients.

Our goal is to give you an exceptional freelancer experience that opens the door to more contracting possibilities. The first step is to make it easy for you to update your talent profile. Long gone are the days of uploading your resume because we know there’s more to your talent than just your resume!

By improving TTA Connect, we want to give you more opportunities and change the way you interact with our clients (more to come on this…)!

We’ve redesigned TTA Connect with features like…

  • New profile builder that allows you to select roles that are custom to you and guides you step-by-step through the rest! It’s official… you can stop posting different resumes to your profile and instead focus on featuring your top skills
  • Improved skills selector to make it easier for you to highlight your skills, training topics, certifications, and more
  • Robust portfolio section to give you the flexibility to add portfolio links, files, and videos that feature your best design and training work
  • Enhanced Work Experience section that makes it easy to add your new projects as you complete each job
  • Testimonial section so you can now share your great recommendations with our team

Thank you!