Profile Status

Creating a complete talent profile is the first step in having a successful experience on TTA Connect. It is the best way to share your services, skills, work experience, and personality, so you get matched to the right opportunities! There’s no need to finish your profile in one go, but having it at least at a “Good” status is necessary to see job openings and submit quotes for jobs.

Your profile status measures the completeness of your talent profile. It consists of three levels (good, better, best) and is determined by different profile criteria. You can find your profile completion status on the right-hand side of your Dashboard or My Profile page.

Profile Status - New

To make it easy to know what you need to update next, a listing of all the information needed to advance to the next profile status level is displayed. Click on any of the blue links to be brought directly to that section of your profile, so you can continue making progress!

A complete checklist also appears when you click on the information icon ⓘ next to the Profile Status heading. Use this as a guide to help you build a complete profile. All completed information has a blue checkmark, and any missing profile criteria has a gray arrow to let you know what you need to complete next.


Once you’ve reached the best status, the profile status will disappear. Happy updating!