Invite Company Contacts

If you have a team behind your training project, we give you an effortless way to invite coworkers to TTA Connect so you can collaborate on jobs together. Once your contact accepts your invite and sets up a TTA Connect account, you can begin to share and manage training project details, schedules, documents, and more.

To access your company contacts, click the drop-down menu under your name on TTA Connect and select Account Settings. To view contacts, click Company Contacts from the left side navigation pane.

On the Company Contacts page, you can view, add, and modify contacts from your company.

  • To invite a contact to join your company account, click Add Company Contact and provide their name, email address, and set their permissions status.
    • Administrator: Full access to manage all jobs
    • Standard User: Access to only assigned jobs
  • Click to Invite, and they will receive an email from TTA with a link to create a TTA Connect account.

  • To modify user permissions or reinvite a contact, select the ellipses […] next to the contact’s name and click on the desired action.

Team Permissions
A company contact is given Administrator or Standard User access. This permission type can be changed at any time by clicking the ellipse next to a contact’s name.

An Administrator can access and manage all jobs:

  • Create, edit, and view jobs
  • Review talent profiles and reject or select
  • Favorite talent
  • View training schedule
  • Upload and view all documents
  • Add company contacts
  • View and download invoices
  • Modify company information

A Standard user can only view job details they are assigned and:

  • Create, edit, and view jobs (job specific only)
  • Review talent profiles and reject or select (job specific only)
  • Favorite talent (job specific only)
  • View training schedule (job specific only)
  • Upload and view documents (job specific only)
  • View and download invoices (job specific only)

Tip: You can also invite a contact directly from your job by clicking on the Add Contact button from the right panel!

image of adding a contact