Talent Qualification Program

TTA Talent Badges

As part of our talent community, we take pleasure in acknowledging our professional contractors who demonstrate commitment to exceptional work and contribute to our industry recognition for excellence.

TTA talent badges showcase our accomplished talent who have successfully undertaken TTA projects, completed our talent qualification process, and demonstrated their expertise in learning and development. When you meet the minimum requirements for a talent badge, you’ll automatically receive it displayed on your talent profile.

Talent Badges

TTA Certified

TTA Certified badge

The TTA Certification Program recognizes and distinguishes our TTA trainers and instructional designers who have consistently delivered exceptional service for our client engagements.

TTA Certified talent have achieved the following:

  • Track record of high quality performance for TTA’s customers
  • Possess a professional certification, academic degree, or continuing education certificate in relevant subject(s), or years of experience related to education, adult learning, or professional training and development
  • Professional recommendations and endorsements relevant to learning and development experience
  • Comprehensive TTA Connect talent profile and portfolio emphasizing experience, skills, recognition, and proficiencies

For additional information and details, refer to the TTA Certification Program Brochure.

TTA Qualified

TTA Qualified badge

TTA Qualified talent have achieved the following:

  • Possess a professional certification, academic degree, or continuing education certificate in relevant subject(s), or years of experience related to education, adult learning, or professional training and development
  • Talent qualification process which includes a comprehensive interview and assessments
  • TTA Connect talent profile in at least a “Good” profile status

TTA Verified

TTA Verified Badge

TTA Verified talent have achieved the following:

  • Possess a professional certification, academic degree, or continuing education certificate in relevant subject(s), or years of experience related to education, adult learning, or professional training and development
  • TTA Connect talent profile in at least a “Good” profile status

Do I need to have a badge to submit a proposal to work with TTA?

No, you do not need to have a badge to submit a proposal. Our dedicated recruiters will work with you to verify and qualify your experience to help you get your TTA badge! We’re dedicated to helping you find work that meets your interests and independent talent career success.